Tuesday, 27 February 2007

Taking a Pride in our Community

I have been out and about canvassing in Prestwick this past week. Listening to people on the doorstep and answering their questions about the budget, the new council tax and the unfounded scaremongering in the press about Prestwick swimming pool and other sports and leisure facilities. No matter their politics people were ready to both question and listen.

There was a general recognition that the conservative’s Civic Pride initiative had been successful in cleaning up our environment and making South Ayrshire much brighter and cleaner than in the past. Those who regularly shopped in Ayr appreciated the hanging baskets and flower tubs and recognised the difference that they made to the town. Here in Prestwick the most obvious improvement was in the condition of the beach. Last summer Prestwick beach was cleaner than it had been for years thanks to the extra resources directed to it from the Civic Pride budget. It was a pleasure to walk along the front in the evening and if there is a more beautiful sunset than that of the sun setting over Arran then I have yet to see it.

We intend to maintain this level of cleanliness and improve on it where possible. Prestwick beach, along with Ayr, Troon and Girvan beaches, has been entered for a prestigious seaside award and we intend to be successful in achieving that award.

There is no doubt that residents want to be proud of their town and many of them are keen to get involved in community initiatives which tackle some of the areas that get missed in the general maintenance. For those who are so minded I would encourage you to put Saturday17th March 9.00am-12.00noon in your diary. Prestwick Rotary Club are holding a beach cleanup on that day as part of an Ayrshire Rotary Clubs’ initiative to clean all of the beaches from Ardrossan to Girvan. The Rotary Club of Prestwick will prioritise cleaning the area from the North Beach to the Pow burn. The council will also be involved by providing gloves, tongs etc and collecting and disposing of the rubbish collected. The meeting place is the beach site of the old swimming pool and you can just turn up if you would like to help.

I will be out canvassing again this week, if you have read this blog any constructive criticism will be very welcome.

Wednesday, 21 February 2007

First Blog Entry - Prestwick Swimming Pool

What to write on my first blog?

Perhaps a dismissal of the utterly erroneous, mischevious and distressing newspaper article suggesting that Prestwick swimming pool would be closed.
This is absolutely not true.
There are no plans to close Prestwick swimming pool and as a Prestwick councillor I would fight to ensure that the use of leisure and sports provision is encouraged in Prestwick and across the whole of South Ayrshire.

The publishing of this scurrilous article caused great distress to the staff of the swimming pool as well as to the customers who use it and I have vistited the swimming pool to talk to some of the staff and assure them that there never were any serious plans to close the pool. When considering how to meet the funding shortfall left by the previous Labour administration council officers were asked to put everything onto the table for consideration. This had to include sports and leisure provision, but these suggestions were rejected out of hand.

I believe that at a time when health and fitness is at the front of public awareness that we should be promoting these facilities and not hiding their light under a bushel.

Do you know, for instance that there is a well equiped gym in the Prestwick swimming pool building and that membership costs a fraction of the cost of joining the private gyms. It may not have the fancy exterior but the equipment is first class.

There are also aquatrim classes for those who want to keep fit in the water and have fun at the same time. (my wife is a regular and life would not be worth living if the pool was to close)

My message on this my first blog is to use the facilities at the swimming pool as the best way to ensure future provision is to use it today.

Hope you enjoyed reading my article.

The next posting will take place in approximately one weeks time unless something interesting or important comes up in the meantime.