Saturday, 31 March 2007

Litter Pick

Prestwick North Community Council organised a litter pick for last Saturday, 24th March.

This intiative was prompted by a desire not only to clean up the town, but to let the residents know that the community council did not just meet once a month to talk, but actually did take action where a need was identified, and it was identified that outwith the Main Street litter did accumulate and was not always quickly removed. Indeed, as there is no street sweeper at the weekend, often a Saturday morning sees the Main Street pretty untidy with the left overs from Friday night.

Prestwick North community council and Prestwick South communiy council both work very hard on behalf of Prestwick but because the work takes place, modestly, in the background it is not always recognised.

Anyway, last Saturday morning saw a bunch of us gathered at Sommefields car park ready to do business. We were each given a pair of gloves, a bright yellow jacket and a 'picker up' and sent on our way, after gettng our picture taken.

A Lady from Troon who cycles through Prestwick on her way to work each day had written to me complaining about the litter in the lane between Monkton Court and Prestwick Academy. She had also offered to help clean it up and true to her word she appeared on Saturday morning ready for action. So, after banging my head against the branch of a tree and drawing blood, she and I set off for the lane and filled five plastic bags of litter.

Once we had finished it was with some satisfaction that we surveyed the nice clean lane, congratulated one another and set off home after taking the litter to the recycling centre.

The one disappointment was the passers-by who remarked that the council should be doing the cleaning and not us as individuals. Well they may well be right but I believe that there is room for public spirited individuals to lend a hand when needed.

The big task is to persuade those who drop litter that it doesn't have to be like that and they are allowed to take it home with them.

Bye 'til next week.

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