Thursday, 22 March 2007

Power to the People

This week saw the launch of an innovative policy by the conservative group on South Ayrshire council.

It has become clear that it was about time that local people had the opportunity decide on the projects that took place in their towns and villages instead of having bureaucrats and councillors deciding for them.

So we decided to allocate funding to community councils from the “civic pride” budget to allow them to develop projects for which they can then apply for funding. Provided that the project complies with the ethos of “civic pride” then it is most unlikely that the funding will be refused. This is not a competitive fund as every community council will be allocated funding in advance and their applications would be funded from that allocation.

I am confident that the enthusiastic community councillors of both Prestwick North Community Council and Prestwick South Community Council will consult with the local public and put their innovative hats on and come up with projects which will be a credit to them and boost the pride that we all feel in our town.

This is an initiative that excites me and I am looking forward to seeing the fruits of “civic pride” projects in Prestwick.

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